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Unlock limitless possibilities with ExoToro!

Unlock limitless possibilities with ExoToro!

ExoToro Logo for Bizznauts

Who are ExoToro?

ExoToro provides
Trust worthy educational contents on cryptocurrencies.
Explore their Features on
Comprehensive review on crypto related services and products
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Join their mission on supporting the good actors in the crypto industry!

The mission


The cryptocurrency industry has faced significant challenges in recent years, particularly in the year 2022, with the emergence of unreliable companies declaring bankruptcy while claiming their finances were in good standing. These fraudulent entities masked themselves as trustworthy entities, exploiting not only the trust and funds of users but also the reputation of well-known influencers and enthusiasts (who promoted them without realizing the true nature of fraudulent activities conducted by these companies). This unfortunate situation has caused a setback for the industry and hindered its progress, negatively impacting not only the industry as a whole, but lives of many people as well as the profession of affiliates and digital marketers.

Distrust in the crypto space hindering its advancements

Making it difficult for well intentioned digital marketers (Affiliates and social media promoters) to promote good product and services


Exotoro are dedicated to addressing the challenges faced by the cryptocurrency industry and supporting responsible actors within the space. Their mission is to educate individuals on the fundamentals of cryptocurrency, empowering them to make informed decisions and conduct thorough assessments when managing their wealth.

In collaboration with Bizznaut, Exotoro is committed to identifying and assisting affiliates and digital marketers to promote cryptocurrency service and product providers with due diligence, providing detailed information to the best of quality to support the advancement of the industry.

Spread quality education on crypto and crypto-marketing

Identify good players in the industry

Support affiliates and other digital marketers to promote good product and services


While the missions at Exotoro is commendable, Exotoro recognizes that affiliates and influencers, play a crucial role in the growth of the cryptocurrency industry and in educating individuals, like any other industry. By conducting thorough reviews of these products and services in detail, Exotoro believe that users can make informed decisions about whether to use them or not, and in turn, affiliates can benefit from the user’s purchase made through their referral links as a result of providing trust worthy detailed input.

To support our mission, Bizznaut aims to serve as an information hub, connecting affiliates, social media influencers, and other digital marketers to products and services that have been reviewed by Exotoro and elevate the quality of crypto-marketing.

Identify the good players in the crypto space

Not only to support but conduct thorough reviews on crypto-related products and services

Elevate the digital marketing in the crypto space as a whole by supporting good affiliates and digital marketers and conveying the mind set of providing good quality and services.


So if you are a brave Bizznaut, ready to venture out to becoming an affiliate or a digital marketer in the world of crypto, we are here to help you.
Of if you are an operator and would like your brand to be promoted, please be aware there are procedures in place from our partner: Exotoro with strict requirements needed to comply. Once you have cleared the requirements and provided all required information, we will be happy to work together and make the crypto space a better place.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or interest working with us. 

Crypto exchanges
Defi and NFTs
Crypto Gadgets
Crypto projects

Exotoro categories

Comprehensive review on Cryptocurrency Defi & Cefi

Detailed review and introduction on crypto gadgets from cold wallets to NFT holders or services including gaming for entertainment.

An general review on crypto-projects with real life time applications

All-in-one gateway

We connect digital marketers with transparent companies offering good quality service and products related to crypto.

We provide an opportunity for business operators to market their brand out.

We are flexible and always on the look out to improve our service to achieve the mission.


Our strategy & Short term roadmap (2025)

Unlock limitless possibilities with Exotoro!

2023 2025
Launch of ExoToro
To the moon and beyond!

Message from Bizznauts

Bizznaut Founder

We are proud to have Exotoro as our partner site: Taking lead on the vast space of cryptocurrencies.  Together we unite strong, and we aim to go to the moon and beyond.

ExoToro's Review Categories

Exotoro reviews often is based on, including but not limited to the following criteria.
*Please note: depending on the product and services, it may include more.

ExoToro is known for their dedication to transparency and accessibility of information. The team at ExoToro goes to great lengths to gather information from various sources, including email marketing, social media, and forums, in order to make informed decisions about the products and services they review. This approach not only adds a valuable and independent perspective to the cryptocurrency industry, but it also sets the standards for clean marketing.

ExoToro places high value on the usability of the platform. This encompasses not only the ease of use, but also the accessibility and speed of service provided. ExoToro understands that a disorganized platform can be an indication of a lack of customer care and poor management, leading to potential risks. Ensuring the platform is user-friendly, accessible, and efficient bring value to the customer.

ExoToro believes placing priority in security and privacy is an important in all business practices. This includes implementing strong password settings, two-factor authentication (2FA), email changeability settings, and anti-phishing codes, to ensure a safe and secure user experience. It is essential to have strict compliance in these areas to offer the best possible user safety and also a trademark to identity good operators in the industry.

ExoToro values company that places focus on innovation and staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in the cryptocurrency industry. ExoToro understand that companies that fail to innovate will be left behind and put their customers' funds at risk. As such, ExoToro places companies striving to keep abreast of new developments and provide services that are attractive and engaging to users, ensuring continued growth and success at a higher consideration.

ExoToro values high-quality services and products that are not only easy to use but also perform effectively. ExoToro recognize that delays, repetitions, and failed actions can be a result of poor programming and can put customers' funds at risk. As such, providing flowless services and products that are reliable, efficient, and meet the needs of users is a must for ExoToro's consideration.

ExoToro places high value on companies providing exceptional customer support. Quick response times and proactive measures to prevent any issues, such as maintenance notifications or site downtime, are crucial in ensuring that customers feel confident that their funds are secure with a company that values their satisfaction are given high consideration.


Open and Transparent 0

Thorough and committed 0

Exciting and innovation 0


Crypto is
here for the future!

The wait ends in:

  • 0 First time
    • Are you an operator?
      • Initial Consultation
      • Outstanding support
      • Limited Sample View
  • 0 First time
    • Are you a digital marketer ?
    • Affiliate, Social Media Marketer?
      • Initial Consultation
      • Best Media Marketing Tools (Cost applicable)
      • Professional support
  • Post consultation
    • Lets start getting bizzy!
    • After the consultation, we tailor our services and offer our quotations for digital marketers(Affiliates) and managers(Operators). Please contact us for more details.
      • Educational contents
      • Web & mobile Opted platform
      • How to Affiliate (Tools and all)
      • Affiliate Management
      • Media Advertisement Management
      • Social Media Hub
      • Best Marketing Tool platform
      • Outstanding & Professional support
      • And even more! Simply contact us today!