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Frequently asked questions

Asks us anything or simply contact us!
01 FAQ What services do you provide?

We provide mainly the following services:

  • Education on digital marketing
  • Affiliate (we manage sites our selves)
  • Master Affiliate (we cooperate as a master affiliate)
  • Business Liaison (we act as consultancy and intermediary for companies)
  • Media buy service provider (we aid for launching media buy campaigns on behalf)
  • Others (Generally it depending on the consultation, however our services extends from translation (English, Japanese, Spanish) to CRM, Market research. Campaign or event managements for acquisition purposes.
02 FAQ What fields do you specialize?

While Bizznauts focus on providing education on digital marketing.
Learn how to affiliate market with us!

03 FAQ I am an affiliate. Why should I work with Bizznauts?

We do not simply accept all affiliates to work with us under the Master Affiliate ring and the deal is unfortunately not for all fields.
We closely work with selected companies/brand that are operating ethically and regulated.
And while doing so some companies we come to grow closer. As a result we cumulate certain information and deals that are only unique to us. Such information can for example bring advantage to the way you market these selected products or have an additional kick back to you under our master affiliate deal.
Let’s make no mistake, we are not a charity nor giving out baskets of golden eggs. We simply know first hand that together we can create a big wave that benefits all parties in long term.
Should you be interested please give us a contact.
(Before you contact us – please make sure you meet the application condition)

04 FAQ I am an operator in the cryptocurrency industry. What exactly can you do?

We are thrilled to hear from you on the service that you provide to the cryptospace.

While we are interested to partake as an affiliate and send information about your goods and services as a master affiliate, we need to verify first on your nature of your business.

We will be happy to connect to you to Exotoro – Our division that takes care of cryptocurrency related topic and only after the careful reviews then we will offer services on …

  • Translations (Home page to Customer retention Email and more)
  • Affiliate
  • Act as a Master affiliate
05 FAQ We are a small business owner. What services do you provide?

We are thrilled to work with small retailers to start up.
Depending on your products and services, we can provide translations, hints and jabs on customer retention and even connect you with affiliates whom are interested in your product.
We can facilitate the process and hopefully have a win-win for all parties.

06 FAQ We are a product and service provider and interested to get our brand out. How can you help?

We cold call and contact affiliates and publisher in the market on behalf. In addition we can push your product and services to relative site managed by us should the product and service matches.
Drop us a message and lets see how we can cooperate together!

07 FAQ Will you gurantee traffic and sales?

Long story short – NO, and if any one providing similar services as an affiliate or a master affiliate or a digital market consultancy, guaranteeing any,  we recommend to stay away, as affiliation takes time and effort, and as a master affiliate even more input on time and effort is required. However that does not mean we are not committed to working with you to grow your business together. In fact it is in our best interest to generate commissions for the business to on go, so you can count on the determination Bizznauts has to build a successful business growth.

09 FAQ Can I cancel my relations with you and your partners?

To put it simple – Yes with us.

However just because you may cancel cooperation with us, does not mean it relieves you from your responsibility of payment, especially to the affiliates and partners that we introduce by us.
For more details please contact us.

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