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Why Bizznauts?

Perseverance and tenacity:

We have a strong drive to succeed and willing to put in the time and effort required to build and grow business together.

Marketing expertise:

We understand having good grasp of marketing strategies, including SEO, PPC, and social media, is critical.

We like connecting:

We are determined to build and maintain relationships with other affiliates, operators, and other industry stakeholders.

Adapting to changes:

We understand be able to adapt to new technologies, trends, and regulations are key to survival and success.

Strategic thinking:

We think critically and strategically about business of all parties, identifying opportunities and potential challenges.

Transparency and honesty:

We believe in building mutual trust and success through honesty, transparency and ethical practices in our partnerships and client relationships.

Patience and persistence:

We understand success as an affiliate takes time and effort. We are patient and persistent in their efforts to build business together.

We are unique:

We offer more than services: We offer unique integrated solution opted to the latest industry trends and developments.

The Story behind: Bizznauts

Why Bizznauts was created?

Bizznauts Founder

Message from Founder of Bizznauts

The story behind Bizznauts comes from my own personal experience as an affiliate manager.

Being an affiliate manager is tough. From recruiting and maintaining relationship with top affiliates and tracking campaign performance, to communicating with other departments and dealing with fraud or even dealing with unethical behavior of affiliates, there’s never a dull moment. It’s a constant wave of new difficulties and it’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed.

However recognizing that these difficulties were not unique to myself, but were common challenges faced by affiliate managers by other corporations or industry, I decided to create Bizznauts.

The primary intention of Bizznauts is to connect affiliates, social media influencers, and operators/companies more efficiently and effectively while solving the friction issues that is inevitable, one at a time. Bizznauts aims to provide a solution that helps both parties, affiliates and managers and to overcome the difficulties they face in their daily job and improve the digital marketing industry from both ends.

Are you an affiliate?

Or a business owner?

Are you in need of a help?
If so do not hesitate to contact us for a Free Consultation!


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